I was reading a mouse study from 2005 about the effects of chloroquine on SARS-COV1 that’s the original sars. It looked incredibly effective but the dosage they were using was incredibly high. It would be the equivalent of about a half gram of chloroquine per day. Lupus patients by contrast take about 1/100th as much of a dose of hydroxychrloroquine 6 or so milligrams. From the mouse study it seemed like you needed these high doses. At that level you’ll have heart problems in humans. Hydroxychloroquine is safer but they got to do these trials to figure out if humans can tolerate the dose required to protect us from coronavirus. Anyway that was 2005, today it’s 15 years later and basically zero research has been done since then on coronavirus treatment. I don’t care who you are, that’s negligent. USA, Bush, Obama, Trump, the World Health Organization, doctors, hospitals. It’s only this year that we have started working on treatments. If there is a silver lining to this pandemic is that when the next one comes we will be much better prepared and might even have a treatment ready in stock. This time around, nope.